Thursday, October 15, 2009

How Obama used the Internet

Barack Obama is now the U.S. President and many believe he won due to the way he used the Internet. I think it was extremely smart to use the Internet to enhance his connection with voters. People can find his speeches online and the watch videos from his appearances and watch them as many times as they want. The Internet has effected the 2007 Presidential election. It is the most effective technology in the campaign. I know we will see it used by all the next candidates. According to Claire Cain Miller, "Barack Obama changed the way politicians organize supporters, advertise to voters, defend against attacks and communicate with constituents". He saved money in advertising his campaign over the Internet. It is almost no cost compared to the millions of dollars needed to run print or televised ads! Barack Obama appealed to the younger voters by using web pages. People felt they were connected to the candidate and had a say in the political world. By posting his policies, speeches, and advertisements he reached out to all voters. The Internet is a very powerful tool. This Presidential election was significant because it is now going to change the way candidates establish and run their campaigns. The Internet will now be the for-front choice to campaign successfully. As it shows in Obama's campaign , the cost of using the internet is lower than other communication outlets. It saves time and money for the candidate and the voters have a direct connection to the candidates. Technology is the wave of the future and now it impacts our lives directly everyday.

reference: Miller, Claire Cain.


  1. I agree with you completely. I believe that it is silly to spend money on adds when the public hates them anyway!! That is the thing I dislike about election time, I can't stand watching canidates "trash-talk" other canidates. Obama did the smart way of getting to the public, by using the web! I don't know anyone my age that reads the newpaper or watches the local news, let alone CNN, they get most thier important information on the web.

  2. I think that we are entering a new era with President Obama being elected. His use of technologies shows the effort to reach out to the current generation and what there is to be. He did this with his whole campaign. It is all about reaching out to the right people, and you are absolutely right..he did that!

  3. I agree with your comment about how President Obama has made technological advancements in this past election. It will impact the future campaigns. He did make an edge for himself by using the web, it reached mass amounts of voters.
