Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Technology in the 2008 U.S. Presidential election

The 2008 Presidential election has shown how much of an impact new communication technologies such as Facebook and MySpace pages have had on each campaigns. Each candidate created pages and put a lot of effort into publishing YouTube videos. They utilized their resources and the numerous technologies to reach more voters and save money. Everyone has some sort of access to computers in this day and age, and the Presidential candidates took advantage of Internet communication networks. According to Frederic Lardinois' article, Obama had 844,927 MySpace friends at one point of the campaign over McCain's 219,404 friends. (, 2008) Both candidates have created Facebook pages to gain supporters by displaying their views and gaining more exposure over a vast media and social source. Facebook is an extremely popular site that people use to stay connected and meet new friends. The presidential candidates used the site to reach out to the popular in a cost effective way. It allowed for each campaign to feel creative and normal, just reaching out to the people trying to spread their message. It allowed each candidate to gain more supporters. Facebook is an effective new communication technology that differs from regular television media ads because it saves money, reaches just as many if not more people, and allows for the public to stay connected with the candidates. People can post comments and objections for each web page and can feel part of the election. Voters need to feel like their vote matters and being able to interact over the Internet site, Facebook, they can be a part of each candidate's campaign.
Television ads have been the forefront communication technology in election campaigns for the Presidency. They reach a wide audience and can be seen at almost any time during the day. It is very expensive and can hinder some candidates if their do not have the financial resources to gain exposure through television ads. Using Facebook or You Tube, can have a much larger impact on the voters and the campaigns of each candidate. It is a more current media technology network and can reach the younger voters. Using sites such as those have a huge impact on the younger viewers because those websites are regularly visited by them and can provide them with an outlet to get involved in the Presidential election. It is important to stay updated with communication technologies and to reach those who are going to become the future of our country.

"Obama's Social Media Advantage" Lardinois, Frederic. November, 5 2008.

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