Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Send a "tweet" to McCain!

This past Presidential campaign has expanded over onto the more technology advanced, such as Twitter and YouTube. I recently checked John McCain's website and he is running for Senate and he has social networking over FaceBook and Twitter. Twitter has become a new found outlet to keep in direct connect with supporters and campaign leaders. McCain has his own YouTube channel and it is viewed 2,428,189 times! You can make comments and view campaign videos. There are ways to search for information on his policies and keep updated on all issues. According to, McCain was the first to use online ads . He posted ad banners to gain supporters and the campaign was "pleased"with the large population results they received. Using this communication technology is an effective, convenient way to gain more voters and keep supporters in the loop while on the campaign trail. I also found a blog Meghan McCain started to chronicle her campaign experience with her father. Blogs have also become a large effective way to communicate. She would discuss issues and talk about her experience with all the Presidential campaign stops. She also has links to Twitter, which has become a popular communication tool with politicians and celebrities. It allows normal citizens to connect with those who run for public office. McCain took advantage of using popular websites to campaign and gain more supporters.

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